The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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According to Gerney, Parsons, and Posner (2013), in the wake of mass shootings and other types of gun-related disasters, an increase in interest among the public, community leaders, and elected officials occurs, with regards to identifying effective means through which to minimize the possibility for recurrence of such incidences. Some of the reactions at such times include the enactment of more strict gun control laws to limit the accessibly of firearms to individuals with the criminal intent of committing a gun-related crime.
In Connecticut, gun laws were strengthened following the mass shooting of 6 adults and 20 children in their school in December 2012. Similarly, Colorado strengthened its gun control laws following the 1999 mass shooting that occurred at Columbine High School. Before the shootings, there was a loophole in the law that allowed the sale of guns at gun shows without any background check. This loophole was effectively sealed when Colorado voters approved a measure that would mandate compulsory background checks for gun purchases, even at gun shows.
Following the mass shooting of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary, many states have moved to tighten their gun laws, especially to restrict the illegitimate use of firearms, as well as the possession of firearms by high-risk populations that include persons with mental health issues, children, felons, and substance abusers. Some of the states that have tightened their gun control laws following the highly publicized Sandy Hook mass shooting and other similar incidences in the past include:
1. New York
2. California
3. Colorado
The following are the states that ranked as having the strongest gun control laws. It is evident that these states with the str...

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...d based on a maximum of 100 percent. High scores indicated tougher gun control laws in the state while lower scores indicated lower firearm control laws in the country. Out of this survey, 42 states had a less than 20 percent score of the study’s criteria, with the average being 9 percent. These findings reflect results from a research report used in the present study, which is based on the geographic region of the states and the extent to which it determines whether they implement permissive or tough firearm control laws (Open Society Institute, 2002). In this study, Hawaii and Massachusetts ranked as the states with the least permissive firearm laws with scores of 71 and 76, respectively. States with moderate gun control laws included California with 53 points, Connecticut with 50 points, Maryland with 43, New Jersey with 35, Illinois with 35, and New York with 27.

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