The Pros And Cons Of Gadgets

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Today, everyone is out buying the newest gadgets from phones to computers. While leaving the last generation behind for the dump. Technology keeps everyone up to date and can even make life seem so much easier. Although, as humans produce more advanced technology, the average person wants to upgrade to the latest gadget and are left to get rid of their old gadgets. Not many people think about what happens to devices after they are gone. But what does happen? Is it bad to get rid of gadgets via landfills and is there a better way to throw them out? Even though there are ways to reduce technology waste, when tossing out gadgets, they produce chemicals and some may be toxic, the chemicals are bad for the environment, and the toxins can even …show more content…

They may or may not produce when they are throwing their old devices and buying a new replacement along with that not many people know what toxins are even produced from their gadgets. Toxins that are found in electronics are: “lead, mercury, found in monitors or televisions; polyvinyl chloride, found in computer housing and cables; cadmium, found in resistors and batteries; hexavalent chromium, found in steel housing; polybrominated diphenyl ethers, found in plastic covers, cables, and flame retardants in printed circuit boards” (Seeberger 8). Toxins are found in everyday electronics like: monitors, televisions, computers, cables, batteries, and plastics from the electronics. The harsh chemicals released from the everyday used electronics are: lead, mercury, polyvinyl chloride, hexavalent chromium, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Other than all the toxins released from the old electronics,“a handful of Advocates worry about a “regulatory vacuum” stimulate the flow to one-way, out dated electronics to the countries of India, Africa, and Asia. Activist believe 50 to 80 percent of the 300,000 to 400,000 tons of waste collected through recycling in North America alone is transported overseas (Smith 1). Along with all the other countries and continents in the world, The United States creates the most e-waste in the world (McAllister 1). Overall, the way people are dealing …show more content…

Diseases known from the toxins in landfills are: “thyroid hormone disruption, impaired neurodevelopment, reduced lung function, and adverse pregnancy outcomes”(Seeberger 12). The evidence to back up the outcomes of the toxins are tests ran by the following people and in the following years: thyroid hormone disruption, “Han et al., 2011; Ju, Xu, Chen, & Shi, 2008; Wang, Zhang, et al., 2010; Yuan et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2010”(Seeberger 12);impaired neurodevelopment, ;impaired neurodevelopment, “Li, Xu, Wu, et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2015”(Seeberger 12);reduced lung function, “Zheng et al., 2013”(Seeberger 12);and adverse pregnancy outcomes “Guo et al., 2012; Wu, Xu, Liu, Guo, & Huo, 2011; Wu et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2012”(Seeberger 12). The outcome of the exposures of the chemicals are terrible since anyone can get sick from the outcome of just throwing away a device and people poorly monitoring the e-waste. People can also experience lead poisoning (McAllister 1).The lead poisoning is due to the electronics being taken to the landfill or even burned. Diseases are a terrible thing that people can contract as easily, and along with that people can have disorders. Preventing disorders and diseases are optimal and there are ways to prevent some of them. If the root cause is through the elections, and if

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