Eugenics Argumentative Essay

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In an ever advancing world and desire for perfection, the word eugenics is growing more prominent in today’s language. Its “infamy” is only increased by todays technological advances allowing everyone access to the information necessary to learn about what it is. The word eugenics, meaning good birth in Greek, was created in 1883 by Francis Galton, cousin to Charles Darwin who was responsible for the theory of evolution in particular, survival of the fittest. Eugenics is the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. This philosophy of improving the human race through eugenic practices is believed by many around the world and has been considered a serious problem …show more content…

Although These aren’t either positive or negative processes of eugenics, they all involve the procedure of altering the natural order of variation and procreation through human interference, thereby altering the outcome to enhance ones future fitness and stability. This form of eugenics ultimately stays true to the meaning of eugenics, meaning “Good Birth” in Greek, and is most likely to be labeled as less of a violation as it attempts to prevent the very conception of “unfit” offspring. Another related example is abortion; many women choose to abort after receiving results of an abnormal amniocentesis, also known as an amniotic fluid test, which is used to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections, although this topic is widely argued by millions as either moral or immoral and is a large …show more content…

We, as humans naturally strive to improve ourselves and our offspring, possibly as an attempt to ensure the survival of our unique genetic code. It is not unusual to naturally practice eugenics, as it is part of life because after all we do choose a partner which is smart and successful to procreate with. At the start, Galton only intended to use this word to label the procreation of successful couples and create a science out of it. Although the obsessive behaviors of humans caused this to become an unhealthy science without any control and boundaries causing violation of humans rights to be a norm. The altruistic aspects of this movement diminished as efforts to artificially improve the human genetic pool resulted in the obstruction of rights for those determined unfit. Eugenics turned into a tool to legally exercise racism, hatred and bigotry against those in lower economical

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