The Pros And Cons Of Child Soldiers

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The debate on child soldiers has been one in which has lasted for many years, with only recent clarification on what actually consists of a child soldier. Through the generalised image of a young African boy as the basis of what consists of a child soldier, leaves a lot of confusion in the definition of a child soldier itself. The ambiguity of legislation has led to different types of child soldiers, which in turn have different levels and classifications of agency. Although there has been an attempt to improve the life options of child soldiers through international treaties and legislation, their effectiveness is lacking through the continuation of the use and recruitment of child soldiers. Consequently, more needs to done with measures put …show more content…

The idea of tactical agency in voluntary recruitment is believed to be that of tactical agency, in which least-worst alternatives are in place (Honwana 2005). These children in dire conditions often enlist themselves as soldiers to escape to a form of refuge. In many circumstances, these children are in situations of starvation, hunger lack of education, income and employment (Rosen 2012). These areas are likely to lead to death and violence if the child does not find a means of escape, and the appeal of the military is that it provides a form of surrogate family. The recruiters often use false promises of a better life as a tactic to convince these children to join them, as is seen with al-Qaeda and Jaysh al-Mahdi, whom used false promises of money and education to recruit children as soldiers (Child Soldiers International 2008). Although, not all reasons for voluntary recruitment are the same, and there are other factors that children find appealing. These are exemplified through the payment that is sent to families for child soldier conscription, the social status, power and recognition the children believe they will receive as soldiers, a tactic to revenge violence against their family and even to escape an arranged marriage or domestic dispute (Conradi 2013, Gates & Reich 2009, Wessells 2006). Therefore, the level of agency that these children have …show more content…

This deliberately confuses members of society from understanding a distinct definition of a child soldier. According to UNICEF (2007 p.7), a child soldier comprises ‘children associated with armed forces or groups’. Furthermore, they are ‘any person below 18 years of age who is, or who has been, recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys and girls, used as fighters, cooks, porters, spies or for sexual purposes’ (UNICEF 2007, p.7). Under this definition, it is clear that those children recruited by the ADF can be labelled as child soldiers and associated with armed forces. Although there is confusion under what circumstances a child becomes a child soldier, this is due to the engrained form of child soldier that has been depicted. This leads to unawareness of the child soldiers that are evident in our own society, as they do not reflect that or a ‘stereotypical’ child

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