The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment

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Crime-----it has occurred since the beginning of time, but the question that still is raised today is, what is the best way to handle the individuals who commit the crimes of extreme cruelty or harshness? In the past few centuries, there have been many different solutions that have been brought up, considered, and used. While some were phased out due to questions on how effective they actually are, thus they lose popularity in the corrections system. Throughout time, death has been viewed as a suitable punishment for the most awful of crimes. Many showed us that is can most definitely be overused and that leads to the destruction of the government or civilization, but that does not change the necessity for its use as a punishment. There is a real need for capital punishment in our society, not only is it the morally correct thing for the victims, the victims’ families, and our society, but also capital punishment deters most people from committing malicious crimes. Capital punishment is only used for the worst of crimes that can be committed. This punishment is only used if the crime is malicious or disturbing. Roger Hood states,
“Capital punishment, also called death penalty, execution of an offender …show more content…

The problem with this idea is if they are willing to take the life of another is there not a cost that must be paid for this action? I find it difficult to think it is okay to take someone else’s life while those who take life get to live out the rest of theirs. The problem with life without parole is that in our current legal system they will most likely get out due to overcrowding in prisons and could very repeat the crime and then another life is lost. That personally bothers me thinking of allowing murders back on the street after committing a murder is quite scary knowing many offenders repeat after the first

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