The Pros And Cons Of Bottled Water

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Bottled water can cause some serious health problems. Most people think what can a bottled water do to our health?. In the article, “Your plastic water bottle may actually be making you gain weight” Lizzy Hill explained that many of the plastic used to make plastic bottles may contain compounds called bisphenol A (BPA). A chemical compound has been shown to promote the formation and growth of fat cells. In one study, scientists extracted and isolated cells from the hips, thighs or abdomen of female volunteers. Then, these cells were exposed to BPA for about 2 weeks. The results show that they have a significant increase in fat compared to other cells. (Hill 2016). Consumers chose bottled water for their top diet. But they don’t know bottled …show more content…

Some of these chemicals are possible endocrine disruptors. No one knows for sure what the health outcomes are. Do you really want your body to undergo that experiment” Many people have a habit of keeping bottled water in the car. They think if there’s an emergency they can use it. They don’t know how harmful a plastic bottled water could harmful for their health. Some bottled water may not meet hygienic stands and might contain harmful bacteria with high temperatures in cars that may help the bacteria growing faster. Water contained in plastic bottles that stay too long or frequently exposed to heat, plastic bottles can release chemicals such as BPA and dioxin into the water. By drinking water containing these substances can increase the risk of developing tumors and cancer. In the Ellen show, Sheryl Crow mentioned, “that this is what caused her breast cancer” (Emery 2007). Test results have identified high levels of dioxin (C4H4O2) in breast cancer tissue. Currently, many people have the habit of reusing disposable mineral bottled water but unknown it is

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