The Pros And Cons Of Bitcoin

609 Words2 Pages

While the Bitcoin phenomenon has indeed received push back from a majority of the financial community, it has presented those willing to invest in the currency with unique opportunities not available in comparison to fiat currency. As mentioned previously in this essay, the Bitcoin’s network of production and transaction is completely independent from bank or government intervention. Where governments typically control the production and amount of money in circulation for an economy, the quantity of Bitcoins depends solely on the outstanding amount already existing over the Internet and how many people are mining new Bitcoins. Since transactions are always P2P, Bitcoins are completely devoid of regulations or other boundaries set up by third parties that effect fiat currencies (Faktor).
The currency is also limited to the amount that may be produced in a time period (Nakamoto). In comparison to a state run entity that can place an excessive amount of cash into circulation, such as Quantitative Easing I-III implemented by the United States Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Bitcoin’...

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