The Problems With Strong Artificial Intelligence

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Strong AI: What is it and how does it question the definition of the mind?
Strong AI, or strong artificial intelligence, is a class in artificial intelligence development that strives to develop computers that can operate on the human level. One of the ideas of strong AI is that digital computers can one day intellectualize on the same level as a human mind. The concept of strong AI provides insight on the relationship between the physical and mental states. With strong AI, the mind is analogous to programs and the brain is analogous to computer hardware. Strong AI provides a thought provoking philosophy on what constitutes a mind.

The Problems with Strong AI According to Searle
American philosopher, John Searle, believes that goals of strong
Searle’s strongest point is how computers lack semantics. One of the points he makes in his semantics versus syntax argument is that computers determine meaning from the physical appearance of symbols alone whereas a human derives meaning from the contents of its mind. This is a solid point because computer programs fail to run when they are not syntactically correct. They essentially fail to understand when the syntax of a program is incorrect. Humans can overcome syntactical errors and draw meaning based on the content in their minds.
My main critique on Searle’s argument is that he does not go into depth on how humans think. Searle’s main argument is that computers cannot reach human intellect because they can only understand what they are programmed to do, whereas humans can provide understanding based on the content of their minds. Theoretically, a computer can provide understanding based on the content of their “minds”, which would just be additional code that represents this content. I believe Searle does argue against this by stating that it is just additional syntax information, however he doesn’t provide any evidence that humans don’t do the

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