Importance Of Disciplined Action

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We all know that every company always has to-do list for the future. They always plan and expect to finish all their to-do list to reach the goal. The problem within the good company or mediocre people are not aware about not to do list. They think this list is not as important as to-do list. However, when we think again, not to-do list is also important because they can stick to their principles by having this list. Jim wrote in his book about a mantra that every good to great companies have in their company: “Anything that does not fit with our Hedgehog Concept, we will not do. We will not launch unrelated business. We will not make unrelated acquisitions. We will not do unrelated joint ventures. If it’s doesn’t fit, we don/t do it. Period.” (Collins, 2001). This quotation tells us the importance of not to-do list. The not to do list is the fundamental for the leader to distinguish themselves by disciplined action to stop doing anything and everything that doesn’t fit with their principle. Disciplined action is correlated with one of the principle of systems thinking which are recognizing the dynamic, complex, and interdependent nature of systems. To reach disciplined action, we need to realize that everything in the systems are dynamic, complex, and interdependent. The things are changing all the time and …show more content…

It also captures the overall feel of what it actually happened in the companies. The cumulative process is the continuation of step by step, decision by decision, action by action that all adds up to be a spectacular results (Collins, 2001). In the real case, it means that there is no single grand program or killer innovation from the company, instead there is a great effort and teamwork in the long run to reach the greatness. This long process requires simplicity, diligence, clarity and focus on what is vital from every team member in the

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