The Primordial Soup Theory In The 1920's

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Primordial Soup Theory claims that life began in a pond or a ocean because of a combination of chemicals from the atmosphere and some form of energy to make amino acids, the monomers of proteins, which would then evolve into all the species. In this theory, the basic building blocks of life came from simple molecules which form the atmosphere.This was then energized by lightning and rain.According to this theory the first organism’s would have to be simple heterotrophs.They would become autotrophs through mutation.However,evidence now suggests that the first organisms were autotrophs..The scientists involved in the hypothesis were A.I Oparin,J.B.S.Haldane, Stanley Miller,Harold Urey, Sidney Fox.Oparin and Haldane both independently developed the hypothesis in 1920.Miller and Urey tested the theory in …show more content…

Community clay hypothesis can apply to the other theories to by clay being something that helped life

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