The Prevalence of Opposite-Sex Partner Violence in The U.S.

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The prevalence of opposite-sex intimate partner violence in the U.S. is of no surprise. An overwhelming amount of research is dedicated to studying the rates of intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships, contributing factors as well as possible solutions to decrease this type of violence. The same cannot be said for that of same-sex intimate partner violence. The current critical research will examine the intersections of same-sex intimate partner violence, review national statistics on such violence as well as compare and contrast same-sex intimate partner violence with that of opposite-sex intimate partner violence.

Minority stressors played a huge role in the current research, many current studies on same-sex intimate partner violence attribute the current rates to stressors faced by those who identify as LGBT. A study by Edwards and Sylaska titled The Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence among LGBTQ College Youth: The Role of Minority Stress which looked at 391 youth from colleges across the U.S. found that “21 % (of the participants) indicated that they had experienced psychological partner violence victimization within same sex relationships and 24 % reported physical partner violence victimization within same-sex relationships”. (Edwards & Sylaska, 2012) Internalized stressors where shown in current research to also have an impact on same-sex IPV. Edwards and Sylaska’s research done in 2012 states that “Sexual identity concealment was related significantly and positively to physical perpetration of same-sex partner violence, and unrelated to psychological and sexual perpetration of same-sex partner violence. Sexual orientation related victimization was related significantly and positively to psycholo...

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