The Importance Of The Sacrament Of Confirmation

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1. Why would a catholic want to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

• Confirmation like all the sacraments provide us with a means to encounter Christ and be strengthened spiritually in his presence
• Confirmation helps us experience the act of God, his grace more concretely through completing the sacrament. Experiencing Gods grace realistically helps us to live better lives as, we are able to enjoy God’s grace within us- We are able to connect with him like we do with our family here on earth
• Confirmation is a celebration of faith; it is an enjoyable time for everyone involved; confirmation invokes happiness
• Confirmation provides us with a confirmed sense of belonging to a community of people who, also spiritually strive to live
Having reflected on Mary’s life, a few things stood out to me; she was always looked after and cherished by God, She always said yes to his will and is the embodiment of the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. I personally take inspiration from Mary as; she was someone who was kind, charitable and a person of great power and importance in the birth of Christianity but yet, was always in piety of the lord. It is Mary who leads us and provides us with the truth about Christ, the truth about the church and the truth about humanity; Mary is the backbone of the religion we are apart of but most importantly, Mary was a mortal human just like us. Through receiving confirmation, we are provided with the opportunity to be enriched with the Holy Spirit like Mary was and provided with the opportunity to be a person of faith, developing a closer relationship with
This sacrament will provide the recipient with a revival to do this through the resealing of the Holy Spirit.
• Through the laying of hands with the oil of Chrism, the recipient becomes metaphorically perfumed with Christ. Being perfumed with Christ means you become more like him therefore, you will be inspired to live your life light of him; you will seek to be kind, seek to be charitable and seek to be honest. These qualities will allow the recipient to make a positive contribution to the world. We are God’s shadows here on earth, everything we do. Confirmation provides us with assurance that we will always have God’s influence permanently in our lives.
• The recipient becomes more confident; through this public declaration of faith, you become overall more sure of yourself in making general decisions in life, with the knowledge that God will always be there to guide you. Confidence enables you to develop stronger connections with others and live a good life; confidence in your faith and decisions leads to happiness in yourself and with

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