The Power of Revolutionary Propaganda in the American Revolution

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“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman” (Paine). With these words Thomas Paine’s inspiring, but inflated rhetoric helped to transform a dispute about taxes into a struggle for the soul of man. This kind of language united the feuding colonies around a principle greater than their own economic interests.

The American Revolution was headed for failure before

it could begin. The colonists were poorly organized, and

lacked the unity need to fight together. Jealousy raged

throughout the colonies. Individual states, proudly

regarding themselves as sovereign resented the attempts of

Congress to exercise its flimsy powers. Sectional jealousy

boiled up over the appointment of military leaders; some

distrustful New Englanders almost preferred British officers

to Americans from other section(Bailey et al. 137). Economic

problems challenged the colonists too. They were running

out of metallic money, and so Congress was forced to print

paper money. This money depreciated the moment it came off

the press. Inflation of the money increased the prices of

everything in the colonies. The soldiers who were out

fighting suffered the most. All of these problems greatly

contributed to the discontentment and discord of the


On the morning of April 19,1775 shots had been

exchanged by colonials and British, men had been killed. The

war was on in earnest, and the colonies were still not

unified to fight for the same cause. The lines were being

more clearly drawn between the pro-British and colonial

revolutionists(Columbia Encyclopedia). Loyalists were

numerous among farmers, large landowners, royal

officeholders, and professionals. They were found to be in

varying strength in every colony. A large part of the

population was more or less neutral. Thomas Paine, the

patriot, lover of liberty,(Hubbard 24) wanted to make the

colonies understand that liberty was the natural right of

every human being. “His work was to make all men long for

their birthright. Paine wrote a pamphlet. Common Sense

which urged this colonial cause. Its influence was

tremendous, and it was read everywhere, and received

enthusiastic response.

Consider these words, and what kind of effect it would

have on the American patriot:

“ When I contemplate the dignity of man; when I

feel for the honor and happiness of its character, I become

irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and

fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools and can scarcely

avoid disgust at who are these imposed upon.

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