The Power Of Vulnerability

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Is there power in vulnerability? Is there any power within your shame and fear? Vulnerability is typically categorized as being weak or having a weakness, but without vulnerability you are inept of feeling compassion. Weaknesses are not always our faults; they are sometimes just our traits. Being vulnerable is to be human; to accept that we are not perfect, that we need help, that we feel love and compassion, that we can do what is right no matter how risky it could be. Vulnerability is a strength that makes mankind great. Our vulnerabilities are the reason we thrive and develop. To accept that you are not perfect is the first step in achieving humility. Sometimes in life you are going to need to ask someone for help. It is completely …show more content…

In order to feel compassion you need to be able to let someone into your life and be fully vulnerable to them. Compassion and love are some of the most treasured feelings on this earth and in order to feel them you are going to need to have the courage to let someone get close to you and embrace your weaknesses “They fully embraced vulnerability. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful. They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating… They talked about the willingness to say, "I love you" first ... the willingness to do something where there are no guarantees” (Brown, The power of vulnerability). We need to make sure that we are making sure we are not letting people in to our lives because we think that they will hurt us, we need to let them in because they could change …show more content…

To assist people when they are in need is have true courage, sometimes it is terrifying when you have a chance to help someone but ultimately the only person who is stopping you from helping is you. “I’d rather risk my physical safety than my peace of mind. I’d rather live my life acting out of mercy than save it by living in fear and hostility.” (Round, Opening the Door of Mercy). When you have an opportunity to help someone you need to summon the courage to help them and make sure that you listen to your conscience “I realize now that to believe in pluralism means I need the courage to act on it. Action is what separates a belief from an opinion. Beliefs are imprinted through actions.” (Patel we are Each Other’s Business). To put yourself into those vulnerable positions where you help others is where you truly test your courage and develop your morals, without any morals and courage you drift along as the negatives of the world overwhelm the

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