The Power Of Emotion In Euripides's Medea

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According to Plato, “Human behavior flows from three main sources, desire, emotion, and knowledge.” What exactly is emotion? Everyone has it, feels it, and sometimes we can’t control it. It is a dominating force that sometimes causes us to do the most remarkable and maniacal things. Strong emotion is a rational occurrence in human nature that can be demonstrated through examples in Medea, Sappho, and Force Majeure.
One of the most prominent examples of a strong emotional presence can first be exemplified in Euripides’s Medea. Emotion throughout the story is the essential ingredient to how the plot eventually plays out. The main character, Medea, is over encumbered with a multitudinous amount of emotion. Her ex-husband, Jason, is essentially …show more content…

Sappho seems to be a woman who is completely infatuated with love. In the majority of her lyrical works, she shares strong feelings about beauty, pain, and love. Many of these feelings are over exaggerated in a great amount of detail. The power of love has a very prominent effect in the actions of others. We are all human beings and many of Sappho’s poems are extremely relatable to how our actions are influenced by the emotion of love. While Sappho was conversing with her assumed lover who was leaving with the army, she says, “Frankly, I Wish I were dead (Sappho, p. 42).” Emotion is what elevates the level of someone to just being sad, to Sappho explaining that she wishes she were dead. Sappho also explains an instance in which she says, “Afraid of losing you I ran fluttering like a little girl after her mother (Sappho, p. 54).” and finally she shows her pain by revealing her thought of, “Pain penetrates me drop by drop (Sappho, p.61).” Her feelings escalate after going through stages of absence. She cannot focus on anything else other than wanting this army wife back into her life. Such feelings happen to ordinary people today when dealing with breakups and loss of loved ones. Emotion not only plays a big part in reasoning but it also acts as a behavioral supplement like how it affected …show more content…

Out of all of the characters in Medea, Sappho, and Force Majeure, the person who balances reason and emotion the most would be the mother in Force Majeure. Under the extreme circumstances of that ever happening and watching the man you love run away like that, she stayed very calm for the most part. Any other woman would most likely express so much more emotion than that at the turn of the event. However, the wife stayed very reserved after the situation and only let emotion get to her later in the movie when she kept bringing it up with her husband. She was essentially the only character who really embraced her emotion and held onto it tightly other than letting it all pour out. Every other main character in these works always seemed to let their emotion completely engulf their reasoning in one way or

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