Physics Of Conduction And Radiation

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The physics properties of conduction, convection, and radiation are apparent and vital to our everyday life. The transfer of heat, a form of kinetic energy, can be described as the movement of a higher temperature to a lower temperature area. This movement of heat from one substance to the other can be used through the processes of conduction, convection, and radiation. There are many examples involving these principles within our common everyday activities. An example of conduction would be the an ice cube melting in your hand, or touching a hot stove and being burned. Convection can be exemplified through hot air rising, cooling, and then falling. Lastly, radiation is observed through anything warmer than it’s surrounds like fire, the sun, …show more content…

Radiation, however, does not require a specific source of matter and can be defined as the electromagnetic waves that directly transport energy through space (Mansfield). The types of electromagnetic waves can be in various forms. An example of these forms would be, radio waves, microwaves,visible light, X-rays, and ultraviolet rays. (Boundless) The transfer of heat through radiation spreads from the origin to the surrounding areas. It is through this process that this principle is measured by the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. It is represented by the equation where Q/t=σAT^4 andσ=5.67×10−8 J s-1⋅m-2⋅K-4 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. A is represented by the surface area where T is equal to temperature Kelvin. (Boundless)Thermal radiation is one form of heat transfer due to the electromagnetic radiation spreading energy away from the initial source into its surroundings. It is then absorbed by them, furthermore, increasing kinetic energy and temperature. An example of this would be the sun heating the earth. There is no contact between the two objects. Heat “radiates” from the origin (the sun) and spreads to it’s surroundings (Earth). However, this is not the only example of radiation heat transfer. It can also originate from a fire, lightbulb, or anything warmer than your initial surroundings. Several factors influence the amount of radiation and …show more content…

Good reflectors are typically poor absorbers. An example of this would be using a metal. It would be efficient in reflecting heat but not absorbing it. If a surface is rough, it will absorb more of the emitted heat. Even color has an influence on the level of absorbance darker is more where as light is less. This then carries over into the principle of good absorbers are usually good radiators, and likewise for the poor. Whats the best absorber? It is any surface that absorbs all of the radiant energy like the black

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