The Philosophy Behind Acupuncture

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Traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.
Traditional Eastern medical practices such as acupuncture have long been used in the East to unblock stagnant energy in the body that may cause the symptoms of conditions such as depression. The philosophy behind acupuncture is rooted in the Daoist tradition which goes back over 8000 years. The people of this time would meditate and observe the flow of energy in the universe. Acupuncture adds value here as an effective alternative …show more content…

The needles may vary in length and number, and are traditionally left on the body between 20-60 minutes. A course of acupuncture treatment is generally considered to be between 8 - 10 treatments but this varies considerably depending on how long the depression has been present, and the extent to which the depression has reached. With Acupuncture the longer the problem has existed, the greater the duration of the treatment.
Some of the benefits of using Acupuncture to treat depression include: Increased feels of well-being and a lifted overall mood, Increased energy, strength and vitality crucial to a recovering Depression patient, A strengthened overall immune system, Reduced stress levels, Increased circulation, Eliminates pain, May assist with insomnia and other sleep issues, May regulate the appetite, No side effects, drug dependence or addiction, Fast results often seen within a few weeks of therapy, Long term cost reduction when compared to antidepressant …show more content…

Acupuncture helps people with depression to relax and regain balance in their lives and also helping to cancel or minimise any symptoms or side effects associated with having depression which could be causing trouble eg sleeping irregularities, eating issues, nauseas etc. Acupuncture also helps someone with depression handle the negatives and struggles to do with their mind, emotions and body which could be impacting their lives and making their depression even worse.
Interpersonal: Acupuncture can be used as a treatment for depression which could help in people's interpersonal lives by encouraging and motivating someone to socialise with others because the acupuncture is minimising the effect of depression and making people with depression more comfortable in social

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