The Petition In Lyddie By Katherine Paterson

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In the novel “Lyddie” by Katherine Paterson, the main character Lyddie faces many problems throughout the novel. One of the challenges that she faces is to sign the petition. She shouldn’t sign the petition because she needs to support her family with the money. Also, she needs to pay off the debt that her father left them. The factory girls will work less hours and they will have more free hours. They will have better working conditions if the company agrees. The problem is that they would be pay less if they agree to go it. She shouldn’t sign because she needs money for her family and she wants to save her father's farm from being sold. Lyddie should not sign the petition because she wants to save the farm and she wants to reunite …show more content…

If she gets a certificate of honorable discharge when she gets fired or blacklisted, she will get hired from other companies. In the text,“ … but there was no certificate of honorable discharge from the Concord Corporation, and with no certificate, she would never be hired by any other corporation in Lowell. (page 168). In case she gets fired or blacklisted, she needs the company to give her a certificate so other companies would hire her. Although she doesn’t get a certificate, no company would hire her ever again. She could have better working conditions but she would get payed less money if she signs the petition. She wants to buy back the farm and bring back the family back together and she can’t do that if she signs the petition. Overall, Lyddie shouldn’t sign the petition because she wants everything to be normal again after what happened. This will allow her to fulfill her dream. If she doesn't sign, everything will be back to normal unless she gets fired. She can earn enough money to buy back the farm. When she signs, she could get blacklisted and she won't fulfill her dream. Also she won’t earn money any

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