The Patriot Film Analysis

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The most significant events in Roland Emmerich’s film The Patriot includes the scene in which Benjamin Martin avenges his son’s death by the murdering of twenty redcoats, Martin retrieving his captured men from the British in return for dummies impersonating the British officers, and achieving victory of the British at the Battle of Yorktown. The film conflicts around the colonies desire for independence from the British in order to form their own government. The film reaches its point of climax when Gabriel decides to take a group of men to search for Tavington to punish him for setting fire to the church, however, a turn of events occurs once Tavington fakes his death and murders Gabriel instead. The conclusion of the film involves the French …show more content…

Tavington shows impulsive characteristics by taking action and going after Benjamin Martin without permission from Cornwallis. He remains the same throughout the film. Cornwallis, who also remains the same, likes to protect his own by exchanging Martin’s soldiers in exchange for his own soldiers. Benjamin Martin shares qualities similar to that of Tavington and Cornwallis, he avenges the death of his son by immediately going after the redcoats in order to prevent any more of his family from getting hurt. Gabriel too, also prefers to protect his family. He enlists in the Continental Army without any hesitation and permission from his father. Lastly, Susan has a forgiving personality despite her young age. She remains quiet and a bit rude to her father, however, she calls out for him once he leaves to return back to the …show more content…

For instance, the slaves and freedmen were granted freedom if they participated in the war. People were all created equal, however, some were treated as if they were not even considered a person which results in the desire for their own freedom. Also, the thirteen colonies wish to form a completely new government different than that of Great Britain. For example, the colonists felt that some of Britain’s laws were unfair, and as a result decided to rebel against the British in order to create laws of their own. The Patriot takes place in South Carolina in the year 1776, just after the French and Indian war ends. South Carolina used slaves to help in the economy by harvesting crops, which Emmerich also portrayed in his film. The most important settings include the Battle of Cowpens, Camden, and Yorktown. However, Yorktown proves to be the most significant due to the surrender of the British Army. Also, the battle marks a huge turning point for America because they finally achieve their independence from Great

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