The Otherness: Genuiness, Accpetance, and Understanding

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Having a relational understanding of persons focused on a theological basis, involves having a solid base and understanding of how intricately related we all are to the trune, and that we were created in imago dei – the Image of God. To truly understand a person, we need to be connected to them on both a divine and a human level. Appreciating all of the commonalities and also the persons 'otherness'. Part of developing and ensuring this true connection involves developing a genuine I – Thou relationship with them, rather than an I – It relationship. And although we are all connected intimately with one another through God, we must have an understanding and a love for one anothers 'otherness' – the part of each of us that brings so much uniqueness to us as individuals. I believe we have to have a heart for and a true burning desire to really reach out to anothers o'therness' to really want to embrace it, care for it and hold it. With all of these emotions and desires, we can then begin to truly care for another in a genuine and fruitful way. Carl Rogers when asked about what he felt was the most 'prominent aspect or legacy of his life's work', responded that in his view “perhaps his most important contribution to the lives of others was his observations and writings on empathy.” (Rogers 19.... , cited A.Clark 2007). “In order to engender empathetic understanding, a counselor or therapist attempts to sense the feelings and personal maeaning that a client experiences on a moment-by-moment basis in the therapy process” (Rogers 1966) The connection that is formed when a therapist is successfully engaged in this way creates a congruent bond that can only assist with prod... ... middle of paper ... ... We are a product of our own relational experiences metting with and engaging intimately with another individual. We need to meet in an I – Thou communion, not an I – It dynamic. In summary, I believe that applying these techniques, and coming from this 'part' of us as a whole then brings us into 'Love-as-encounter. Which with God filling any empty space within the environment, becomes a divine encounter and a place with enoumous potential for a deep, trusting, positive relationship. All of these things point towards what separates us from having a 'cure' approach and having a Christian based 'care' approach which embraces the divine, the otherness and brings us to become 'persons-in-relation'.

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