The Only Astrology: Questions

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Astrology: The Answer to All Questions
Astrology is a method of study relating astronomy to human affairs and the natural world. Astrology, the study of celestial events in correlation with behavior on Earth, is used to demonstrate how humans are essential parts of the universe. It is defined as, “the science of the stars”. The purpose of astrology mentioned in “The Only Astrology Book You’ll ever Need” is the art and science of studying the celestial bodies and their cyclical motion and determining their influence on human character, behavior, experience, and events (Woolfolk, page 47). Celestial bodies are classified as any event that can involve any body relating to the sky, whether it be the Sun, Moon, a planet, an asteroid, comet, star, …show more content…

There are many different views on how or why astrology might work, but there is not a single conclusive answer that has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of astrologers. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial phenomena and behavior on earth. How could humans know that a correlation does in fact exist? No clear explanation or correlation between the two does not necessarily signify that astrology is not valid or scientific. Science consists of making observations, theories and hypotheses to understand and test ideas. Astrology can be applied to all brackets, making it …show more content…

Astrological research has occurred within celestial charts, Greek philosophers, Babylonians, astronomers, and astrologists. From this surplus of research comes the test, experience. How does one’s experiences with astrology and horoscopes compare and contrast. The method of understanding is developed to further explain. “For all its complexity, however, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols [astrological sign] that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance” (Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike, Follow the Sun: A Simple Way to Use Astrology for Living in Harmony). With every positive comes a negative, and with every story comes two sides. The counterclaim against astrology is that is is fake. To boost credibility factors neutrality must be established in order for the main objective of deep self knowledge to be obtained. Self understanding is forever changing which contributes to the counterclaim. No other belief system relies solely on the interaction between human nature and outer space. The Sun fuels Earth through energy from plants, making each planet and their signs related to one another. The sun provides roots for all living things, making it the most powerful planet. Energy, warmth, and food all stems from life, and each of these elements is contributed

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