Gas Competitive Advantage

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The nature of the oil and gas industry is one that lends itself to intense competition between rivals. Gone are the days when oil and gas conveniently seeped out of the earth or were accidently discovered during other drilling operations. These days, due to the industry’s reputation of providing enormous profits, there are a plethora of companies in the industry that are engaged in exploration, development, acquisition or exploitation of oil and natural gas. Over the years, as the amount of companies in the industry has increased and drilling for oil has gotten more complicated, competition has stiffened and companies are left to find creative ways to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. This is the case when it comes to Sabine Oil and Gas. Sabine Oil and Gas, like many others in the industry, is constantly striving to gain and maintain competitive advantage over its rivals. However, with the potential success of any company in the industry depending on so many factors, achieving a competitive advantage is a tough task under normal circumstances. With the industry as a whole falling on extremely hard times with the rapid fall in oil prices, this task has gotten increasingly harder. To conduct a thorough …show more content…

Over the years, Sabine Oil and Gas has managed to create and maintain a company culture that revolves around transparency with all its employees. This especially became beneficial as the industry began going thru difficult moments in 2014. Managers made it a habit to communicate to its employees the standing of the company and kept them informed when decisions were made. This not only helped the company maintain a healthy working environment during tough times, it also re-established the trust between employees and the company’s management. This company culture isn’t something that can be measured quantitatively. However, the impact of a healthy company culture cannot be

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