The Offence of Christ's Lordship over Psychology

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“No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking to help the oppressed” exclaimed by Clarence Darrow (Slimi). The conviction of the Lordship of Christ in the life of the church continuously provokes antagonists, and archrivals to demolish the very foundation on which Christianity is built. As long as the world is old, there has always been and always will be some quarrelsome contender prompt to argue the differences between what is logic verses what is supernatural. These attempts are only aim to discredit the bible, God, Christ and his Lordship. As a result, Christianity is yet suffering many things due to the fact of finite minds attempting to understand something that is far beyond the human imagination. The Apostle of Paul vehemently professes that the natural man does not understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God for the reason that they are spiritually determine, examine, and discerned (Radmacher, Allen, & House, 1997). The purpose of this papyrus is to give an explanation on the concept of the offense of Christ’s Lordship over psychology.

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