The Odyssey Reflection Paper

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The Odyssey narrates the epic journey of Odysseus to get back home. The story is divided in 24 books that starts with the current situation in Ithaca among Telemachus, Penelope and their concern about whether the king of Ithaca is alive or dead, 10 years after the fall of Troy. Since there was not much information about Odysseus’s location, the king’s position was thought to be open between many suitors, who wanted to marry Penelope and rule Ithaca. At this point of the story is where Greek mythology takes place by the intervention of the god Zeus and Athena, discussing Odysseus’s faith. Odysseus was being held prisoner by then nymph Calypso, who rapidly fell in love with him when he landed on the island of Ogygia. Finally, Athena convinces Zeus to help Odysseus and bring him back home, but there was an issue, the intervention of Poseidon, god of the seas who was furious at Odysseus due that, in one of his journeys, he blinded his son, the cyclops Polyphemus. On the other part of the story, Athena disguised herself in order to talk to Telemachus, to make him start his journey in search of his father. With that goal in mind Telemachus arrived to many territories such as Pylos and Sparta and met the kings Nestor and Menelaus. After finding out that his father was still alive, Telemachus thought about going back home and wait for his father arrival. Going back to the story …show more content…

One of the themes I liked the most about the story is the meaning of the word “home”, and it can have many different meanings depending on each point of view. In my opinion, home is the place where we are raised, and even though we can end up living in another city or country, the feeling of belongingness should be attributed to the place that made us who we

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