Odyssey Hero's Journey Essay

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Hero's Journey in the Odyssey
In “ The Odyssey ” by homer Odysseus goes on a journey to get home after twenty years the trojan war. The “ Hero’s Journey “ by Joseph Campbell represents the journey the hero's take on their journey as a hole in the story. The main parts of most stories include twelve parts to the hero's journey and some additional points.. The three parts of the hero's journey supernatural aid, test and supreme ordeal , and reward and journey home. These are some of the most important parts of the odyssey.

Odysseus had lots of supernatural that had helped him though his story and the journey he went on . The main point of supernatural aid in the story is that Odysseus has help from the goddess Athena who “ disguised Odysseus as a beggar” ( Homer 569 ). …show more content…

Odysseus faced many challenges and monsters along the way but one of the biggest challenges was when he returned home to his wife Penelope. She was testing Odysseus because he did not believe it was home that really came back. Penelope challenged Odysseus with a bow and arrow . But she said that there was a “ … have sawn that trunk and dragged the frame away” ( Homer 615 ). This is important because of the fact that in The Odyssey the whole story is based on the fact that. Odysseus is coming back home but since his wife does not believe it is him it has to prove to his wife that he came back .

In The Odyssey, Odysseus Journey is the main part of the story but there is more too it . The Odyssey has parts from a form of writing called the hero's journey. There are many types of the hero's journey stories . The Odyssey followed the Hero's Journey quite closely in its progression though the story and its arch. One thing is being able to understand the concept of The Hero's Journey makes it so much easier to to understand The Odyssey and other stories like it

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