The Odyssey And Penelope In Homer's Odyssey

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For over 20 years Odysseus, Sacker of Cities has been displaced from his home state of Ithaca longing to one day return to his household. Throughout his journey, he has been met with hardships, temptations, and wrong givings, but throughout his entire journey, he remained loyal to himself and to Penelope. On the other hand, Penelope has been waiting for 20 years for Odysseus return and throughout those years she has held off the suitors and remained loyal to Odysseus. Penelope and Odysseus deserve each other. Penelope was being sought after by many of the suitors trying to make her their wife in her time of despair so that they can take control of Ithaca and Penelope's heart along with it. But throughout everything Penelope remained loyal to Odysseus, even after he had been lost for 20 years she did not lose hope and with everything else she still managed to hold the suitors at bay. “Penelope promised that she would make her choice when she had finished the fine linen web... All day long she worked at her loom and each night when the young lords were sleeping she would undo all the work that she did that day” (Sutcliff 47). …show more content…

Odysseus could have just given up and remained on one of the islands but instead, he traveled 20 years to return to his love Penelope. “Argus after seeing his master he had waited for through 19 years, was dead at the sight of his master” (Sutcliff 88). This shows the sheer amount of time and the duration of Odysseus's travels and how when he finally came home everyone had a seemingly similar response to his return. When he came back he kind of unfroze time and even though so much has changed for example the age of his wife and son, time seemingly unfroze and his life had returned to a seemingly normal state where they were a family once

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