The Negative Role Of Imperialism In The Film Avatar

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Imagine thousands of dead bodies piled up all over the country simply because a resource quota was not made. This is due to Imperialism.
Imperialism, the policy of extending a country’s powers/influence through military force, was established in the late 1800’s. During this time, Europeans took control over Africa. Imperialism was primarily thought of as a negative aspect due to the fact that it often promoted racism, and resulted in many deaths.
Avatar, a film produced in 2009 by James Cameron, portrays a negative outlook on imperialism by the humans trying to obtain a valuable resource by destroying the Navi habitat and killing most of the Navi species. Avatar emphasises a negative outlook on imperialism by showing economic incentive, the view of the natives, and militaristic control.
In previous history, economic incentive has been a key component in imperialism. A prime example is in Africa when other countries with stronger military forces invaded Africa to obtain their precious resources such as: gold, diamond, rubber, ivory, palm oil, and cotton. The countries that invaded Africa viewed the natives as barbaric people and a burden to the white man. When those invading countries sent in their military, …show more content…

Economic incentive started with the humans going to a new planet called Pandora. They then try to gain control of a valuable resource that the Navi had called Unobtainium. Unobtainium was unavailable to the “mother” planet, where the humans resided, and the resource is worth around 20 million dollars. The humans invaded the Navi planet with their military to attempt to gain the valuable resource, Unobtainium. This was viewed negatively because the humans treated the Navi poorly and killed most of them. The Navi were tall, had blue skin, and carbon structured bones. The Navi were also viewed as barbaric and less developed to the humans, and additionally, the humans viewed them as

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