The Negative Effects of Mass Immigration

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The Negative Effects of Mass Immigration

For decades immigrants to America were sure of two things. They came for the opportunity to build a better life for their families and they would not seek nor would they accept a handout. The drive and attitude of immigrants who came to America during the nineteen twenties through the nineteen sixties built strong work ethics that created our now famous American melting pot. But for the past thirty years a runaway welfare state has poisoned our good intentions. Well meaning but misguided entitlement programs gave billions of dollars in free handouts to a deluge of new immigrants as the floodgates opened and annual immigration levels more than tripled. The effects of this mass migration has taken its toll on America by putting a strain on the welfare system harming the poor and weakening the education system whereas this is just another form yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuy

As our welfare rolls skyrocketed millions of legal and millions of illegal immigrants ignored the foundation that built our proud nation of immigrants and crossed the borders demanding cash entitlements like food stamps free health care and other goodies at the expense of American taxpayers. Many refuse to learn our language and become united states citizens and virtually all of the welfare programs America has to offer have been systematically abused in recent years by legal immigrants.

Since 1990 legal immigrants who are not united states citizens have been taking welfare at a far greater degree than American citizens have. The generous welfare system has become an easy target for immigrants. Overall immigrant use of welfare is forty-seven percent higher than citizen use. And immigrant participagion...

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...lavery. We need immigration reform to stop the massive influx of foreign workers from doing further harm to the living standards of our low skilled fellow citizens and legal resident workers.

It simply is not right to put America at risk by giving the money our citizens paid into the system away to non-citizens who came here for a handout. The level of immigration is so massive; it's choking the urban schools. Its bad enough when you have desperate kids with United States backgrounds who require massive resources. Then come kids with totally different needs, and with it comes crushing burdens on urban schools.

America is the land of opportunity not the land of the free lunch and that is the immigrants pledge to support themselves and their families that creates the desire and necessity to work hard and realize the huge opportunities America has to offer.

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