The Negative Effects Of Technology And Its Effects On Children

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There’s a number of numerous research of how technology can be beneficial and harmful in ways of how children think. Influence of technology isn’t affecting just the surface of children’s thinking, their brains are still developing. Frequent exposure to technology is wiring the brain in ways different than in previous generations. As we advance through history. Technology that is available determines how our brain develop. The rise of the internet is strengthening our ability to scan information rapidly and efficiently. Children’s immediate environment determines the kind of attention that they develop. In past generations children directed most of their time to reading, imaginations, and memory. Television altered that attention by providing
“What does all this mean for raising your children? The bottom line is that too much screen time and not enough other activities, such as reading, playing games, and good old unstructured imaginative play, will result in your children having their brains wired in ways that may make them less, not more, prepared to thrive in this crazy new world of technology.”

“Unless we wake up to the damage that the gadget-filled, pharmaceutically-enhanced 21st century is doing to our brains, we could be sleepwalking towards a future in which neuro-chip technology blurs the line between living and non-living machines, and between our bodies and the outside
It goes on to developing, changing, and deteriorating with age, it is also substantially shaped by what we do to it and by the experiences of our daily life. It literally shapes. The nerve cells that make up the parts of the brain actually change in response to certain experiences and stimuli. The brain is shapeable, but not just in early childhood but right up to early adulthood, and in some instances beyond that. The surrounding environment has a huge impact on the way our brains develop and how the brain is transformed into a unique human mind. Our human notions of our human identity were much simpler, people were defined by the family they were born into and position within the family. Our brains now are under widespread attack of the modern world, that sense of self could be diminished and lost, and individuality lost. Screen based and two dimensional world so many teenagers and number of adults choose to inhabit is producing changes in behavior. People’s attention spans are shorter, personal communications skills are reduced, and reduction of the ability to think

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