The Negative Effects Of College Loans

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For most Americans, the best way to better your life is by attending college. Numerous American college students take out loans to be able to attend community college, and a university. Unfortunately, with college tuition increasing, so does the amount of loans that is necessary to afford it. Many Americans are in debt, it is affecting the American family, and prevents college students to start their own family. Countless students who took out loans are struggling to be able to pay off their student loans, and many of them are defaulting on their loans (Jackson & Reynolds 2012). Default on student loans from the department of education can result in garnishing wages and lower your FICO score (Jackson & Reynolds 2012). With so many Americans …show more content…

With Harvard being the first college built in the in the 17 century, college played a role in our society. Unfortunately, with the high cost of college, many of those who are pursuing to go to college are having a harder time being able to pay for it. With the increasing college tuition, many Americans will not have the opportunity to attend college, and even if they remain in pursuit of college, they must take out loans that will affect their young adult life. In one case in particular, 2 researchers looked how college graduates were struggling to find jobs after college. They found that half of college students are working and making $34,000 a year, and the other are full-time graduates students (Arum & Roksa 2012). The half who remained in college, did so because they are not finding jobs that match their level of satisfactory when it comes to the salary to pay off their loans, and they weren’t pleased at entre level careers. Although a handful of people remain in college, and start their journey of starting a family late, many students are out in the job market looking for …show more content…

A large amount of college graduates seeks employment to where they can start paying off their student loans. For those who took out federal and state loans, you will have to start making payments after 6 months of your graduation date. So those who are looking for jobs are looking for jobs with higher salaries and benefits. Given that health, dental insurance is costly, college graduates look for jobs that includes them, because they will not be able to afford it by themselves, because they will not be able to pay for insurance. Most people go to college to study major something that they will be interested in, and for the betterment of society. According to Choi, many students go back to school to major in a field that can be lucrative now and later (Choi 2014). Debt changes the behaviors of students who may seek out one career over the other, because they want to be able have a job after college to pay off their debt. At the same time, those who are seeking employment are not being treated equally in the job

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