The Need for a Constitution

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Why did the U.S.A. rejected the more democratic government for a lesser one? Because the country was either going towards a monarchy or an oligarchy. The Confederation was breaking down and two events made it clear; a failed Treaty with Spain( need date) and Shay’s Rebellion. If the founding fathers didn’t intercede, the U.S. would been dismantled. How could the founding fathers save the Union and “secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?” (Constitution) They designed the constitution to rejected the democratic Articles to embrace a constitutional form of a republic government. So that the freedom of the people would be ensured by protecting their liberty from the corruptible nature of man. Any form of “Constitutional degeneration was the technical definition of ‘corruption’...corruption was the normal direction of constitutional change” ( Banning, 174)

“Pride of independence deep and dangerous hold on the hearts of many of the state politicians” ( Bennett, 112) The leadership under the Articles at the state level was more democratic. However, was heading towards oligarchy, because these men who were in power often only concern themselfs with their own state, and competing with other states to benefit their state or goals. The politicians were using their power to . The confederation is doomed, “Confederations have proved to be workable only in small countries that do not play major roles in international affairs and can resist or avoid aggressive nations due to special circumstances. The United States harbored potential as a great power with vast resources, making a strong executive branch necessary.” ( Schweikart, 16-7-Patriot’s Reader) The event to show the weakness of the state leadership under the...

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...ect the minority of the U.S., the Senate was made. A republican form that provided equal representation for all states, regardless of size. This stop men in state level power from just caring about their states and more on the nation at large. And it answer the corruptible nature of man To answer the will of the people, the presidency was formed to give a voice to the people. Also was kept in check by the other two branches and accountable by the people by election. This form of government is less democratic, but it ensures the liberty of the people from the people and the state leadership.

The U.S. under the Articles were more democratic, it was designed to “ saved many important prerogatives for the states and the people.” ( Schweikart, 95) Nevertheless, the state and the people with their democracy both failed to keep their part to maintain the U.S.

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