The Natural Trait of Goodness in Human Beings in Lord of the Flies by William Golding

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‘The Lord of the Flies” was a novel created by the writer, William Golding. He created the book based around two main characters, Jack and Ralph. Jack is the figure in the story that supports Golding’s beliefs on society and Ralph is the character that supports Rousseau’s beliefs on society. In the end there is no correct answer but in my opinion I believe Golding’s beliefs to be true. Using all the evidence from the book I have came to this conclusion.
Jean Jacques Rousseau was a man who believed the good in human beings was a natural trait. He believed that we all started out as good souls but as we grow and experience society and what it has to offer we become corrupted. Rousseau was a French philosopher born on June 28th 1712 and passed away on July 2nd 1778. Along with being a French philosopher, Rousseau composed music and wrote seven operas. All this influenced his decision and point of view on society by characters in his plays and stories that he created from the outside world. Overall, majority of his characters were kind, good hearted people who were corrupted and had a...

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