The National Treasure

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The beginning of The National Treasure is about a young boy (Benjamin Franklin Gates) finding an old book about the national treasure in their attic. His grandfather caught him looking at the book and brought him back into the living room. The grandfather started telling the young boy the story of the book but the boy’s dad came and made the little boy leave. Ben Gates grew up and searched for the treasure. Ben searched and searched for the treasure but all he's been finding was clues. He and a group of about 5 men found The Charlotte, a ship that’s a huge clue to finding the treasure. He found a pipe that said that there was an invisible map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. His partner, Ian Howe, wanted to steal the Declaration but he said no so his partner blew up the Charlotte. All but Ben and one other man left with Ben’s old partner before they blew up the ship. Luckily Ben and Riley Poole, his friend, got out safely. Ben and Riley Poole went around telling people who are trying to protect the Declaration about how Ian was going to steal it. He told them how there is an invisible map on the back but they all thought he was crazy.

The Liberty Bell symbolizes freedom in the States. It’s located on Market st in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. It was originally made in 1752 in London, England. The first time it cracked during a test ringing. After it cracked, it was restored twice in 1753 by John Pass and John Stow. After it was restored, the bell rung at the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. The bell also rung at important events like Presidential elections and at Presidential deaths. It cracked again on July 8, 1835 when it was being rung at the funeral of John Marshall. The crack was 24.5 ...

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...m the last clue, which leads them underneath a church. They go to the end of the tunnels and find and old staircase leading to a room. Ian makes Ben give him the last clue and leaves him, his dad, Riley, and Dr. Chase down there with no way to get out. Nut Ben gave him the wrong clue. Him and his dad look around the room some more and find another clue. They had to push a certain picture for the wall to open. When it opened they thought it was the treasure room but they were wrong. They went to the wall and figured out that they had to use the pipe that they found in The Charlotte. They put the pipe in the wall and twisted it. The wall opened to reveal the treasure. The FBI agent came and made a deal with Ben that he will not have to go to prison if he gives 89% to the museum. Ben got 10% and Riley got 1%. Ben and Dr. Chase got married and moved into a huge house.

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