The Mystery of the Tikal Hieroglyphs

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Have you ever had trouble reading someone’s handwriting? Occasionally someone’s handwriting is illegible and requires the reader to figure out what word the writer intended to write. This is the same obstacle discovers found themselves facing when they began to interpret Tikal hieroglyphs. Temples of the Tikal’s Maya people contained many pictures and symbols that archaeologist hoped to translate and unlock the puzzling history of the Maya. Although discoverers believed they had solved the mystery of the Maya once the hieroglyphs were analyzed, many questions remain unanswered. Before the end of the 20th century archeologist began making progress in translation of the ancient writing. Discoverers believed to have solved the mystery of the Maya when archeologists J.Eric Thompson, after conducting many excavations, concluded the people of Tikal were peaceful and free from conflict. After his analysis of the hieroglyphs believe declared the Maya people were spiritual and used Tikal as ceremonial site. As studies of the Maya people continued translation of the hieroglyphs went undispu...

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