The Movie The Help

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The movie The Help covers the stories of several house maids in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement. The story is set in Jackson, Mississippi and the story is chronological. This movie is about a writer named Skeeter, who is trying to advance her career by writing an excellent story. After returning home from college, she discovers that her maid Constantine, an extremely close friend who helped raise her, has left while she was away, which greatly upsets Skeeter. Skeeter decides to write a book from the perspective of the African American maids who work for white families, also referred to as “the help”. This is against the law and nobody has ever done it before. Because this is a dangerous task, Skeeter can only enlist one maid named Aibileen, who works for one of Skeeter’s best friends, to help her at first. Aibileen tells Skeeter stories about her life to be put into the book. As the two grow closer and continue to make progress on the book, several other maids from around town, including a spunky and …show more content…

However, she does not let this stop her and eventually gets the book published anonymously. The book becomes an instant success and everyone in town is talking about it. The movie ends with Skeeter taking a job offer in New York. Aibileen is fired, but she decides she is going to try to be a writer. This film is historically accurate to some degree. During this time period, many people had the mindset of “separate but equal”. In the movie, Hilly wanted to pass a law that all white families must have a separate bathroom for the help. In this day, people believed that African Americans carried diseases. As a result, schools were not allowed to share books, and people had separate water fountains and restrooms. In the film, Aibileen was kicked off of the bus simply for being black. This is accurate because blacks often had to give up their seats to any white

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