The Movie Remember The Titans

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As we already know, Management is a processes which allow to achieve a common goal and objective, by making people unite and work together. Yet, why is the manager role so important for every organization? The answer to this question is relatively simple. Managers are responsible for: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading the group on a daily basis. In order to achieve success within group, a manager should also be an effective leader. That require a lot of skills and techniques that one needs to posses, to make sure that other people will follow the rules. The movie Remember the Titans is a great example of an effective management and leadership process. In this paper, I will present all of the management stages, by evaluating …show more content…

Organization is an action of assigning specific tasks to the roles, while meeting the objectives of the group, organization, or business. This process involves deciding and evaluating how best to distribute the tasks and recourses , in order to coordinate effective work flow. "Organization involves shaping and reshaping departmental divisions, establishing management structures and teams, and putting workers in place to accomplish tasks"( bookssjndjw). Coach Boone 's organizational skills allowed him to make necessarily adjustments at many occasions. In the movie there was a scene when Boone said, "Each one of you will spend time every day with a teammate of a different race. You will learn about him and his family, his likes, his dislikes. You will report back to me, until you meet every one of your teammates"( vidio youndj). I think that this specific scene is an outstanding example of an organizing and assigning a particular tasks to the group.
Third part in a management process is known as controlling. This stage can be describe as evaluation the goals and objectives, yet watching whether or not proper progress is being made towards them. A good manager should be able to notice a poor performance and take corrective actions. Moreover, it is crucial to know specific plans, because only then an effective controlling actions may be taken. Coach Boone exhibited his controlling skills by making specific and necessary adjustments during the championship game, which allowed them to win. Boone said," Fake 23 blast with a backside George Reverse"( vidio

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