The Minx Ravenwood's Case

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I find the question about what I have learned very difficult to specify; my learning continues daily and was exponential in the beginning. What I can say is that for the first three maybe four months of my time with the GAO, I found myself returning home emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. Each day represented a new, different and exceptional challenge, not only to my knowledge in Child Welfare, of which the majority of my experience comes, but in my understanding of my understanding in Child Welfare and how I communicate it from a different perspective; as well as, my knowledge, or lack thereof in other services provided by DHS Systems. I have been able to learn, and acquire information regarding, policy and time lines with …show more content…

When I began with the GAO, one of the first more notorious cases that I heard about and was asked to review was the Minx Ravenwood’s case. It was known for being difficult as was the constituent. There was a great deal of work that had gone into it and multiple State entities had been a part of addressing the concerns present by Ms. Ravenwood. After reviewing this case I found myself abashed by my lack of understanding and astonished by the amount of work that had gone into it and how perplexing it was. With this said, when it was again assigned in September of this year, and to me, I was intimidated to say the least. However, while working the case I found that my accumulation of my knowledge benefited me significantly in seeing things for what they were, and addressing issues without being caught up in the confusion that was stirred up by the communications with the constituent. When I was working on the Minx Ravenwood case though I required support and staffing from leadership and my cohort, I felt like I had finally reached a point in my understanding and awareness of the role of the GAO that I was competent enough to do this; and this was an incredible

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