The Methods of Effective Supervising

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As a supervisor you have the responsibility of playing many different roles both to the employees that you supervise as well as to the management that is above you. The management that is above you wants to see that your performance is a positive one. In order to do that you need to have a good understanding of the employees that you are supervising and have the skills that are needed to be a great supervisor. Workers come from all generations and have many different personality traits as to how they work best and there are many different ways in which one can supervise others. In order to be the best supervisor that you can be you need to know what supervising style you should use with the different employees that you have. There are four different styles of supervising your employees. First you have the Authoritarian supervisors who micro-manage the employees. They think that they need to hover over their employees because the employees cannot be trusted to get the job done. This type works well with workers who are immature and who are not dependable. Second is the Laissez Faire and this is more laid back they give more freedom to their employees and not as much supervision. They would like to see the workers using their skills and talents to get the job done. The workers who work the best under the Laissez Faire are the ones who are independent and who can be trusted to do their job. The third way of supervising is being Companionable; that is you have a friendship with your employees. The supervisors in this case is trying to create a happy environment and wants to be liked. They tend to put off telling their employees that they did something wrong, so issues do not get discussed. Finally, the fourth way is Synergistic supe... ... middle of paper ... of workers: Type A, Type B, and Type C. Workers with the Type A personality should be put into leadership positions because they want their voices to be heard. They also work much better under the Laissez Faire method of supervising because of their personal drive to succeed. Type B workers are social and would do better with the Synergistic supervising where it is a team atmosphere. They work better when you give them more responsibilities such as planning events where they have the social interaction with others. Then Type C personalities work well under the Laissez Faire supervision where they can use their skills. They are detail-oriented and are better at solving the more complex problems. They tend to work better in positions like data entry, accounting, or jobs that involves working with numbers, but would prefer not to be placed in leadership positions.

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