The Mersey Sound Poem Analysis

2176 Words5 Pages

“The Mersey Sound – Adrian Henri, Roger McGough & Brian Patten”

by Jesús Milla Cabrera

Table of contents

1. Introduction - p. 3 -
2. Setting the scene (Suburban poetry) - p. 3 -
2.1. Liverpool: pop poetry - p. 3 -
3. Adrian Henri - p. 4 -
3.1. Biographical notes - p. 4 -
3.2. Main works - p. 5 -
3.3. Style and influences - p. 6 -
3.4. “Love is...” - p. 7 -
4. Roger McGough - p. 10 -
4.1. Biographical notes and main works - p. 10 -
4.2. “Let Me Die a Youngman’s Death” - p. 11 -
5. Brian Patten - p. 14 -
5.1. Biographical notes and main works - p. 14 -
5.2. “Little Johnny’s Confession” - p. 15 -
6. Personal conclusion - p. 17 -
7. Bibliography - p. 18 - 1. Introduction

When I heard about an anthology written by Liverpool poets, I immediately decided to write this paper about it. I have been in love with the pop music and The Beatles since I was a young teenager. That is the reason why I thought that reading the poetry of the three authors that constitute the anthology The Mersey Sound (Adrian Henri, Roger McGough and Brian Patten) would be accessible and a pleasure for me.

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Setting the scene (Suburban poetry)

Traditionally, in the United Kingdom, London has been seen as the centre of cultural activities, place of meeting and home of writers. New literary movements have their origin in London. It is the base of the editorial world and a place for new writers to be known. During the sixties, following the process of democratization and cultural dissemination, many poets emerge from several cities of England. They are identified with their respective home towns (where they develop their career) breaking the centralist tradition of London. Among those suburban English cities, we can highlight Birmingham, Leeds and Liverpool. (Medina, 2007:

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