The Maya, Aztecs, And The Incas

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There were many great civilizations that flourished in Mesoamerica, including the Olmecs, Teotihuacans, Toltecs, Tepanecs, Moche, and the Chimu, but there were three main civilizations that stood out among all of them. They were the Maya, Aztecs, and the Incas. All three civilizations flourished during relatively different time periods and locations. Though they all had unique achievements, inventions, and discoveries, I think that the most advanced Mesoamerican civilization was the Mayan civilization, which lasted approximately 3,500 years, from about 2,000 B.C.E. to about 1500 C.E. Many of the greatest achievements of the Maya date from the Classic Period (about 300 to 900 C.E.). Hundreds of years laters, their ideas and practices continued …show more content…

The Maya were influenced by other civilizations, particularly the Olmec. The Olmec lived in the jungle areas on the eastern coast of Mexico. The Maya adapted and developed ideas they had learned from the Olmec. For example, the Maya adapted the Olmec writing system and they refined Olmec building techniques. Mayan society during the Classic period was composed of numerous independent states. Even at the height of their empire, the Maya were not one unified nation, because they lived in many city-states with separate governments. The common Mayan culture was what united all these city-states together. For example, their social structure, religious beliefs, and style of life were all very similar to one …show more content…

The ruler was known as the halach uinic, a Mayan word that means “true man.” With the assistance of his advisors, he controlled the state and determined when and where to go to war. After the ruler were the nobles and priests. The only members of Mayan society that could read and write were in this layer. The nobles served as officials, and collected taxes, supplies, and labor for long-term projects such as the construction of a new building. Priests led rituals, offered sacrifices to the gods, and predicted the future. After the nobles and priests came the merchants and artisans, who carried out trade and crafts. Merchants traveled by sea, river, and nicely-constructed roads to trade with other city-states. Mayan artisans made a lot of different types of objects. After the merchants and artisans were peasants, who worked hard on the land growing crops such as maize, squash, and beans. At the bottom of Mayan society were the slaves. They performed physical labor for their owners, and they were generally not treated

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