The Ambitious Guest And The Death Of Death

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The work of Poe was characterized by delusions of persecution or death, the obsession with death is evident with the elements premature burial in the story (Perkins, 2009). The narrator is frightened to the extent that his entire life clings on a probability of premature burial. The fear is intense, hence making him paranoid. In one moment, Poe woke at the berth area of the ship, and he thought that it was a grave; his imaginations led him to a terrifying experience. Poe tries to avoid death; he composes stories such as The Masque of the Red Death (Perkins, 2009). The characters in the story work on diverse ways of stopping death from advancing towards them. The characters later realized that their efforts were compound to destruction and useless. …show more content…

The writer had an obligation of presenting the truth under the prevailing circumstances, depending on own creation or choosing. The writer had powers of adjusting the appearance of the image in making sure that the right message was delivered to the target audience. It was realized by changing atmospheric medium in enriching the shadows, deepening the shadows or mellowing the rights of the picture (Perkins, 2009). The same concept appears in The Ambitious Guest. Hawthorne engages the unusual words in expressing the hearts of the different characters; this is as attached to things that would have made the characters be remembered after their death. Hawthorne focuses on one character at time, in bringing out the desired picture. The story takes place in a designated room; the outside was said to be dreary and cold dark, and this was a contrast to the warm cozy fire (Perkins, 2009). Bartleby was the lawyer and acted as the Scrivener; he run a law practice firm located at the New York’s Wall Street. The lawyer came across an old man; he knew that there was a wealth of knowledge from the elderly man, which would enrich his profession. The old man presented a different experience from the day-to-day work of scrivener or …show more content…

Nippers is directly opposite to Turkey, he has trouble doing his work in the morning, but he is very active in the afternoon. In the morning, it is said that he has trouble with his stomach; he adjusts his desk in balancing his legs. Nippers is calm in the afternoon and works steadily. Ginger Nut is the errand boy and not a scrivener; Ginger Nut is a nickname given to him by Nippers and Turkey, since he is often sent in purchasing ginger nuts for them. Surveys showed that Wall Street at that time was becoming the financial hub of the activities taking place in the United States. Melville was critical in noting the importance of managing money as part of the American life. In the context of the reading, the way Bartleby refused to do what was asked of him in a stubborn way was a heroic opposition towards economic control. It was noted that Melville named the characters in a way that they were easily memorable. It was also a way of alienating the real meaning of the workers by using the nicknames. Melville continued to argue that nicknames were attached to the behaviors, appearance, or functions of the workers, where each worker was

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