The Mandalorian War

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I. When does the novel take place? In 3954 BBY.

II. In which war was Revan and Malak involved? The Mandalorian War.

III. What unexpected moment happened? They turned to the dark side and invaded the Republic with the Mandalorian army.

IV. What happened to Darth Revan? He was captured by the Jedi Council and brainwashed.

V. Before the invasion on Coruscant, what did Darth Revan and Darth Malak do? They searched for the Sith Empire.

VI. During the Old Republic, who is the Emperor? Lord Vitiate.

VII. How did he become the Sith Lord? He killed his parents when his was a young boy and ultimately became Emperor.

VIII. Darth Revan changed and became once more a Jedi Knight. How is that possible? The Jedi Council used an old Force ritual that transformed his path …show more content…

What happened following Malak’s death? Revan recalled his past and fell back to the dark side.

XI. The Sith Lords made something which didn’t please their Emperor. What was his response? He sent his personal army to kill them, led by his two sons.

XII. What happened to Darth Talon? She was savagely beheaded.

XIII. Vitiate’s sons represented a symbolic image in Asia’s history. What is it? The yin and the yang.

XIV. What was the white for? What was the black for? White was for the dark side and black for the light side.

XV. If Vitiate is the Emperor, why is one of his son on the light side? Vitiate acted “independently”, so both of his sons thought they were acting for the best.
XVI. What happened to the one wearing the black tunic? He was killed by his brother.

XVII. Why was he killed? His brother tried to kill Vitiate, blinded by the dark side, but he used the force to prevent his father’s death but was killed by his brother.

XVIII. We learn that there are not only Siths and Jedis. Name this order and one known member of the New Republic era. Grey Jedis are force users using both the dark and the light side. Mace Windu is known to have used both.

XIX. Name one of the Siths’ homeworld.

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