The Malinke Empire In Africa And The Empire Of Africa

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Centered along the Malian-Mauritanian frontier the empire of Ghana, one of Africa’s first empires, was prospering. As Ghana continued to reign over western Africa another empire was beginning to emerge. Under the leadership of Sundjata Keita the Malinke Empire, otherwise known as the empire of Mali, was being formed around the upper area of the Niger River. When the empire of Ghana was overtaken by Muslim Almoravids during the 11th century, the Malinke Empire was more than ready to take it’s place. Sundjata’s empire continued to develop through conquests and unions of several smaller states. The empire used Mande culture, ideology and language to dominate the rapidly expanding territory. Sundjata’s reign of the Malinke Empire was cemented by the idea of Mande cultural superiority. Sundjata proved to be a powerful ruler continuing to stretch the Malinke Empire from the Atlantic coast south of Senegal River to Gao on the east of the middle Niger bend ( At this time the Malinke Empire was producing and transporting copper, salt and kola nuts along the Niger River and establishing itself as the world’s largest producer of gold. As these material goods disseminated so did the Mande language, technology and culture. After Sundjata’s death Mansa Musa came to power during the 14th century. Mansa embraced Islam and brought his religion to the empire. It was believed Islam would open up the international commercial world and it did. At the height of the 14th century the Malinke Empire peaked under Mansa’s reign, covering nearly 9000 square miles of western Africa, establishing itself as the controller of the trans-Saharan gold trade. Mansa made the pilgrimage to Mecca, otherwise known has haji. Traveling from Niani, the M... ... middle of paper ... ...e ( In 2012 Mali exported about 2.756 billion dollars in goods, however that is just a small fraction compared to a country like the United States or Germany who export nearly 1.500 trillion. As a result of French dominance in Mali, French is now the official language of Mali (Ghosh). However, the Mande language is still used by a few ethnic groups. Griots, Mande oral historians, still sing praises in order to spread the history of the previous empire that existed. The French also pushed Christianity on the Malians during their time in power however, only a small portion continues to practice it. Muslim remains the dominant religion, with roughly 95% of the population practicing it. There also continues to be gender inequalities. Women have limited rights even though there is a constitutional mandate in place that requires women and men be treated fairly.

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