Understanding Themes of Racism and Hope: The Lost Generation

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I think the key themes are family, hope, racism, aboriginals and the Lost Generation.
I think Family is one of the biggest themes, because without their family I don´t think they could have gotten through it. Actually I don´t think anybody could have gotten through that without a family. Without hope they would probably still be in the Moore River Settlement, because they would not have hoped that they could ever return safely. Racism because the whole idea of breeding out another race is very racist. Aboriginal because they were the main characters in this issue and film. The Lost Generation because Molly, Gracie and Daisy was a part of it, and it is important to remember that they were just a few of very many children.

I think that the biggest issue is probably that this all happened quite recently, 1900-1970. To actually steal children from their homes because some white men, wanted to breed out the black in them. The Lost Generation is not called that without a reason, many of them grew up without their families, and with self-esteem problems. Today a lot of them are alcoholics and depressed, after a life of people wanting to change them.

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The spirit bird first appears at the beginning of the movie and when Molly and Daisy is walking in the dessert near the ending of the movie. They have been walking for a long time in the dessert, and they are extremely tired and almost unconscious, when they suddenly see the spirit bird which gains them a little more will to continue. The sight of the spirit bird makes them remember why they even started this journey to Jigalong. To come home to their mother, to freedom and their people.
An Eagle is a symbol of Opportunity, protection and freedom. It could not be another bird because those are the things that Molly wants and needs. Especially protection and freedom are things that Molly

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