The Lord Of The Flies, By S. A. K.

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There once was a powerful king who ruled over a mighty kingdom. He was adored by all of his subjects. The king had three sons whom he loved very much. All four lived in a beautiful palace with fountains and gardens on the grounds. The gardens were full of glorious, colorful flowers and plants. Many fruit trees and vegetable plants thrived in the king's garden, but his most prized possession was a marvelous apple tree that stood in the middle of it all. This wasn’t an ordinary apple tree, for it grew apples made of gold. The tree bloomed every night when the moon would shine it's brilliant light on it. The king longed to have a taste of the alluring apples, but whenever the apples bloomed, someone would take them. Each night the king tried …show more content…

The king’s middle son then came to him and said, “Father, every night the thief steals your apples and no matter which soldier guards the tree, none can catch him. I am older and stronger now and I want to try and catch the thief.” The king thought about it and responded, “Very well son, if you want to be brave and attempt to catch the thief, you can, but take a knife with you for protection and be careful. Please do not fail me like your brother did.” The middle son thanked him and left to prepare for the night. As the night fell upon the kingdom, the middle son went outside with a knife and instead of sitting up against the tree, he climbed it. He found a comfortable spot and waited for the thief to …show more content…

“You have succeeded in protecting my apples. I underestimated you, but you have exceeded my expectations”, and with that said, the king ate the delicious apples with great joy. His youngest son thought about what would happen when the beast, now enraged with fury, would do if he came back. ‘I must slay him,’ he thought and then said, “The thing stealing our apples was no person, it was a beast with large wings. I wounded it with my bow and arrow and now I will go with my brothers to slay it before he comes back.” The king didn't want to hear another word about the thief, “It doesn't matter anymore, I have tasted my apples and I am satisfied.” he said. The determined boy went to his brothers and told them what he wanted to do. The two older brothers agreed so they could impress their father after they failed him. They gathered weapons and other materials and set

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