The Locket By Kate Chopin Analysis

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The ending of “The Locket” by Kate Chopin{{fragment}}. I found myself having to go back and re-read the story a few times because I thought I missed something.{{avoid I statements in formal essays}} Although, the setting changed drastically at the opening of the second part, there was a soldier killed in the first part and the readers are led to believe that it was Edmond. A combination of the setting, the locket, and the character descriptions led me to believe that the story was building up to a sad ending.{{not a bad start, but you need to remove me from your thesis statement.}} The setting of war at the beginning of the story set the tone for the entire first half.{{how so? be specific}} From the description of how the soldiers are dressed, “ Their gray uniforms were worn beyond the point of shabbiness.” (Chopin 1) to the description of the hillside, “The noise reached far out over the plain and across the hills and awoke the little babes that were sleeping in their cradles.”(Chopin 1){{fragments}} From the descriptions above, the readers can see that Edmond and the other soldiers have been struggling to stay alive and are missing their loved ones terribly. {{ how does the …show more content…

He even says "I don't know how I could have gone through this year and a half without it." (Chopin 2){{nice evidence!}} When Edmond describes Octavie giving him the locket and how much it was her most precious possession it leads the reader to believe that he would not ever remove the locket from his neck.{{very good!}} When the clergyman was describing the removal of the locket from the soldier’s neck, I had no doubt that the soldier was Edmund{{ good argument but remove I}}. I really could not imagine who else could have the locket around their neck. {{remove

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