The Likely Cause Of Addiction Is Not What You Think

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The article ‘The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think’ by Johann Hari shares an interesting perspective on the matter of addiction to drugs. It seeks to change the view that we have always had on addiction by fronting a different theory based on the findings of the author. The essay begins with a brief introduction of the timeline when drugs were banned, the war on drugs and how information on addiction has been unveiled to us. According to the author, addiction is an ethical shortcoming that is brought about by extreme decadent behavior that is almost a fixation that affects a captured mind. Several experiments are shared and the results that turn out in a bid to try and demystify what the author perceives as wrong views on addiction. As it appears, addicted people have a profound need to bond and shape associations. It's the means by which they get their fulfillment. If we cannot associate with each other, we will interface with anything we come across. From the findings and suggestions in the article, there is a huge surge of optimism that …show more content…

People need to bond, connect and love. Addiction is a symptom of an inner feeling in our lives directing us to turn to something near to us that can lead us to satisfaction. This article is valid. The author based his claims on experimental evidence. Different experiments were done by Professor Alexander on the Rat Park, and Professor Peter Cohen shows the clear evidence of what the author is talking about. The author also based his claims on systematic experiments were done. The experiments done by two professors’ shows a systematic study design and not based on speculation. Besides, the subject matter appears to be personal to the author due to the associations he has had with drugs in the past. The tone therefore legitimately navigates the issue and convincingly tries to change the attitude people have had about addiction in

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