The Last Chapter Of The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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In the last chapter of The Things They Carried, all the stories interlock into a jigsaw puzzle that creates a great message. Each theme is highlighted by each of the major stories that are being retold. The sun in which everything revolves around is the presence of O'Brien and his own experiences; writing about himself alternating between the first and third person narrative voices.
Tim O'Brien explains that stories can bring the dead back to life through the act of remembering. He describes the first dead body an old Vietnamese man he saw in Vietnam. Others in the platoon spoke to the dead man, but O'Brien could not even go near the body. The men proposed a toast to the dead man, but O'Brien would not join in. He told Kiowa that the dead man reminded him of a girl he used to know. O'Brien then eases into the story of a girl named Linda. Although O'Brien was only nine years old, he felt as if he was in love with the girl. In spring of 1956, young O'Brien escorted Linda on their first date, supervised by O'Brien's parents. …show more content…

O'Brien still wishes that he would have stood up to her biggest bully, Nick Veenhof. In class, Nick returned to his desk after sharpening his pencil and deliberately pulled off Linda's cap. Most of her hair was gone, and she wore a large bandage covering stitches across the back of her head. Linda suffered from a tumor in her brain, and she lived only through that summer. You can tell through O’Brien’s words that he wishes he had done something different, to help Linda and even wishes maybe he could have saved the old Vietnamese man. Still, the way O’Brien connects such a devastating thing, being the death of an old Vietnamese man’s, to that of a little girl’s was kind of disturbing to

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