The Laramie Project Play Analysis

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The Laramie Project written by Moisés Kaufman and the Members of Tectonic Theater Project is a play about Matthew Shepard, a twenty-one-year-old student at the University of Wyoming who was killed and tied up to a fence in Laramie, Wyoming during October 1998. Unlike most plays, this was written very differently, but the result was breathtaking. Besides reading this play, I have also been an actor in this show. This play has really affected me throughout the years, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it once again. The first question for this play is what is the conflict? In fact, the entire play is one big conflict. The play is set in Laramie, Wyoming, which just became famous for a twenty-one-year-old student named Matthew Shepard who was beaten and hung on a fence to die because of his sexuality. Another conflict is Laramie before Matthew Shepard was murdered and the after effects of what happened. There are many more conflicts in this play; however, I believe the main conflict is the homophobia that still exist in America. …show more content…

I believe the reason Moisés Kaufman did not include Matthew Shepard into this play is because it was written using the interviews that Kaufman and the members of tectonic theater project conducted. Shepard passed away by the time Kaufman and his team started to write, so they were unable to talk to Shepard. They wanted the play to be honest and not make it up, and if they included Matthew into the production, they would be making everything up, which is something they did not want to do. If I wrote this play the way Kaufman did, I would not include Matthew ether because it would not be honest and

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