The Kite Miserables, And 'Les Miserables' By Khaled Hosseini

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Society has always defined people based off of stereotypes. Stereotypes define people based on wealth, looks, ethnicity, where you come from, etc. Ben Carson grew up poor and without a father figure. He turned his life around and became a surgeon. He became the first neurosurgeon to successfully separate conjoined heads. Society will always have their beliefs about someone based on the labels people are given by society. The novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini introduces multiple cases in which society defines people as well as the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. In Les Miserables, Cosette is introduced as the daughter of Fantine. She was given to the Thenardiers, a family who owned an Inn and treated her like a slave. Since a young …show more content…

After losing his wife while she was in labor, he was burdened until the end of his life. Even his own son could not bring him joy due to the fact that he was not athletic, nor could he stick up for himself. He as well as society looked down upon Amir for his lack of manliness. Baba was constantly dealing with his own self conscience, yet did good deeds to cover them up and hide them from society so they also would not see how broken he was. He later on died with cancer, but was happy for his son. He did not feel dishonored, he was proud of Amir. Like Rahim Khan said “ Children are not coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favorite colors.” (pg. 21). This really spoke to Baba before his passing and made him realize that Amir was doing what he wanted to do, take his own path. Baba found peace in himself with his son and therefore died with no regrets. Some parents passed with grief for their children. In Les Miserables, Jean Valjean, Cosette’s adopted father, was like Baba. He was strong and courageous but dealt with his own conscience. He was judged all his life by society because he did something that he felt was right yet broke the law. He decided to cover his sin with good deeds, even though it meant under a different identity. He became the mayor of a city and was blessed with wealth. He was eventually caught and taken to prison, but not for long. He escaped the boat he was being transported on and found Cosette. Jean Valjean saw how poorly

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